Keeping Up With The Joneses
The name of the game in doing anything like this (blogging, youtube, reading the bible) is consistency. For example, letting it lag just one day is not a huge deal, but it is a gateway to it no longer mattering to you. With my little youtube venture for example, I am already far enough behind the “72 videos in 90 days” schedule that if I do 1 video every single day until the end of the 90 days I will still be 9 videos short. Now, I am not letting this discourage me because all it really means is that I need to have 9 days where I do 2 videos or something like that.
But it’s the same with the blog posting. I am writing this on the 19th, when I should be writing an entry for the 19th on the 19th. I am hoping that if I can keep these activities even moderately tight I will get to the point where I can consistently do these every day and make it into a real and formed habit.
Here’s to hoping!